How much data do you need?

26 December, 2018 by Lyca Mobile
How much data do you need?
How much data do you need?

According to last year's Ofcom data, smartphones are now our number one means of connecting to the internet. On average, we're all now spending two hours online each day. Smartphones can be used for a variety of tasks - from watching videos to downloading music or keeping in touch via the latest social media. Of course, these activities use data, and data comes at a cost. Knowing how much data you're likely to use is half the battle when it comes to choosing a suitable data plan. There are plenty of bundles out there, but understanding how data works will allow you to choose the right one for you. All about data Data plans are available with anything from 100MB to 2GB of monthly data. Data hungry smartphones can even get bundles which offer in excess of 5GB! 

Of course, data plans differ from person to person dependent on internet usage:


Browsing the internet 

Browsing uses comparatively low data. An hour of surfing will use roughly 23MB, which equates to 700MB monthly.



Emails are generally made up of text with one or two images and use less than standard browsing - just watch out for large attachments which can eat up data (such as videos or large photos). 


Social media 

Social media doesn't use an awful lot of data in terms of messaging or status updates, but viewing videos shared on Vine or Facebook can eat up a lot of data, so be warned!


Downloading music or streaming video 

If you're going to be using streaming services like Spotify or Netflix when you're on the move, it's advisable to ensure you're on one of the more generous data plans, otherwise you may find yourself forking out for a huge data bill at the end of the month. 

Lyca Mobile will always have a bundle to suit you, no matter how much or how little data you use. Select from our best international SIM only plans and get more than you pay for - every time.

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